Edward Jones-Jonathan Timm

  • Investments/Securities
830 Rivard Street, Ste. 500
Somerset, WI 54025
(715) 247-2181
(888) 889-9218 (fax)
M-Th: 8am - 4:30pm
Evening and Sat. appts. available
  • About

    We offer numerous investments and services to help you reach your financial goals, retirement, paying for education, estate considerations and protecting your assets. Please contact me today.

  • Whom to Contact

    • Jonathan Timm
      Financial Advisor
      830 Rivard Street, Ste. 500
      Somerset, WI 54025
      Phone: (715) 247-2181
      Fax: (888) 889-9218
  • Directions

    830 Rivard St.; Suite 500 Somerset, WI 54025